Monday, February 9, 2009

Celebrity Rehab TV

If John Bonham were alive today, do you think he would have allowed himself to be filmed crying because someone took his cell phone away? Man-up, choke on some vomit and die already. Okay, don't do that. John Bonham did that and he was the best rock drummer that ever lived, so don't go spoiling his vomit-choking legacy. Go die some other way. However you do it, can you please do it somewhere we can't see it? Don't ruin celebrity for us man (truth is, it was ruined a long time ago but this does feel to me like the final kick in shriveled nuts of celebrity, if celebrity had nuts, and they were shriveled, and could be kicked). The celebrity life is the life all of us non-celebrities think we want to be living, so please, be responsible and make it seem cooler than it really is. Leave reality TV to "real" people and by "real" people I mean really sad people that will make us all feel better about ourselves. I want to believe that even D-grade celebrities are living a way cooler life than I am but hey, you have now made it abundantly clear that I am living a way cooler life than Bobby Wheeler from "Taxi". I am living a way cooler life than the hot guy, that got all the hot babes (while driving a cab by the way) on "Taxi". That's a lot of pressure dude. I don' t need that kind of pressure. Seriously.

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