Friday, January 1, 2010

Every year various publications trot out their version of things and/or people to watch in the upcoming year. Not only do I find that kind of thing annoyingly presumptuous but more often than not it has the added effect of making me feel bad about all the things I am not achieving in my life and then I have no choice but to hate most of the people and things on that list. So if you're like me and think the world is just as full of shitty things and people to ignore as there are to watch, then keep reading. Otherwise, if you want to take this whole ignoring-stuff-exercise to a much higher level, you can just ignore this whole thing and go back to ignoring the person next to you while needlessly dicking around with your iPhone. Hey, that’s the kind of hi-level ignoring that just might make you a person to watch in 2010.

1 comment:

  1. What amazing observations of completely benign subjects.
    Keep em coming.
